Monday, December 23, 2013

Week 24 - Merry Christmas!

Have you started to show yet? Ohhh yes. Bigger every day :)
Total weight gain/loss: I'm officially taking this off...I stopped tracking honestly.
Food cravings: Strawberries/raspberries.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, but everything gives me heartburn.
Miss Anything? Homemade egg nog :(
Mood: Great! Feeling sleepy so that leads to there's that. 
Sleep: It's random. I wake up about 4 times a night, twice of those times to pee. It's not super deep sleep.
Best moment this week: Samson was laying on my belly and the baby kicked him...needless to say, Sam is totally freaked out.
Annoyances: Nothing that I can think of :)
Maternity clothes? I think I wear more maternity than non-maternity stuff these days.
Stretchmarks? Same ones as last time.
Symptoms: Tired, heartburn, sore hips/the front of my uterus is sore, hungry at all hours of the day/night.
Movement: Lots! Erin still has yet to be able to feel him. It seems like Sean stops kicking the second Erin puts his hand on my belly. Little stinker :)
Belly button in or out? In, but it's getting shallower!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Gender Predictions:  IT'S A BOY!!!!
Looking forward to:  Christmas on Wednesday! My favorite day of the year :)

Monday, December 9, 2013

22 weeks

Have you started to show yet? Yes sir! Although I haven't grown too much this week. 
Total weight gain/loss: 11lbs. So weird to be excited about weight gain haha.
Food cravings: Banana cookies with coconut :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: No thank goodness!
Miss Anything? My pre-pregnancy jeans.
Mood: Good this week. Sometimes outbursts of general pissiness, but nothing too bad.
Sleep: This week has been strange. Waking up one or two times a night just STARVING. Getting up to use the restroom and have a granola bar.
Best moment this week: Snow on Friday :) 
Annoyances: The snow! Normally it goes away the day it comes, but it's been SO cold that it hasn't melted yet. I think it will melt tomorrow or Wednesday. The roads are just horrible and there's no where to go!
Maternity clothes? Yep! Starting to embrace the fact that they actually flatter me more than trying to wear my pre-pregnancy clothes.
Stretchmarks? Yep. No new ones since last week, so that's a win!
Symptoms: Slight insomnia, hungry ALL THE TIME, heartburn and restless legs. I think the restless legs is partly from the fact that I can't go anywhere, so if I do some squats it helps.
Movement: He is getting stronger by the day. It still catches me off guard when he starts up, but he is getting a routine so I can somewhat expect when it's going to come.
Belly button in or out? In, but it's getting shallower!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Gender Predictions:  IT'S A BOY!!!!
Looking forward to:  My doctor's appointment tomorrow. After that, Christmas! I just love it so much :)
And, to finish, a silly picture!
xoxo, Kelsey

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

21 weeks!

Since I've been taking photos every other week, I thought I would still do the questions part on the off week. Just so I can keep track of my changes as well! 

Have you started to show yet? Yes! I get bigger by the day.
Total weight gain/loss: 10lbs! And I definitely feel it...I feel so much heavier in general.
Food cravings: Chocolate covered raisins and cantelope :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! 
Miss Anything? Not this week - really enjoying the pregnancy so not missing much.
Mood: Great, but sometimes I get a little weepy. Yesterday we saw Hunger Games and the preview of Noah (like Noah's Ark) made me cry. Hormones :)
Sleep: Great! It's been so cold the last few weeks, so I've been snuggling up and sleeping really soundly.
Best moment this week: Having my family come to visit! They left on Sunday, but I'm happy I get to see them in a few weeks for Christmas.
Annoyances: Nothing really!  I pretend to hate that it's so cold out, but I really love it. It means getting in warm clothes and snuggling next to the fire. 
Maternity clothes? Yes! I had to go buy some new stuff today because almost none of my pre-pregnancy shirts aren't fitting over my belly. I am still able to make longer sweaters work in the meantime.
Stretchmarks? boobies are growing at an alarming rate. 
Symptoms: Not really anything out of the ordinary this week. I have been growing a lot more and little man's kicks are stronger, but sometimes I even forget that I'm pregnant!
Movement: Very active little guy! I can tell he's been moving around a lot more because sometimes he kicks my right side, and an hour later he's kicking my bladder. Once in awhile I get a good kidney kick, and that's pretty surprising!
Belly button in or out? In, but it's getting shallower!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Gender Predictions:  IT'S A BOY!!!!
Looking forward to:  My next doctor's appointment on the 10th. I don't think it'll be anything exciting, but it's so nice to go visit the doc and hear that everything is going well. 

So this week we decorated the house for Christmas, mostly on Friday while my family was still here. Here's a shot of our mantle, which I have since added some lights along the bottom to add more Christmas spirit :). Note that I made that wreath in the middle of the mirror. My mom taught me how to forage the greens and put it together. Pretty proud of myself!
I'll add photos of our house from the outside in another post tomorrow :)



Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Week 20 - halfway there!

Have you started to show yet? Yes definitely now :)
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure! I haven't weighed myself in a few days :/
Food cravings: Mac and Cheese!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! 
Miss Anything?This week will make no wine really tough. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times to crack open a really nice bottle of wine :(
Mood: Great! A little stressed out lately, but the 4 day weekend will help with that.
Sleep: Little man has been kicking my bladder in the middle of the night, so that makes it a little tough to get a full night's sleep. I'm getting up twice a night to pee.
Best moment this week: Having my family come to visit!
Annoyances: Nothing I can think of :)
Maternity clothes? Oh yeah!
Stretchmarks? Yep :(
Symptoms: Feeling a little more tired than normal, but it's probably from getting up a few times a night. Lots of growth on my tummy and getting tougher to get comfortable.
Movement: He's super active! As I type this, he is kicking my belly button.
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Gender Predictions:  IT'S A BOY!!!!
Looking forward to:  My family being here! They are enroute right now, and will be here until Sunday. So happy to have them during a special holiday.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week 18 - It's a BOY!

Have you started to show yet? Yep! Even as I write this 2 days after we took this picture,  I'm even bigger. It's great, because I finally feel like I LOOK pregnant. 
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 6lbs total.
Food cravings: Nothing really this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! 
Miss Anything?All of it! WIne, sushi, cocktails, abundant amounts of coffee (or black tea!).
Mood: Pretty good! Mostly happy and perky (finding out the sex and seeing baby on the screen really has lifted me up!)
Sleep: Eh, it's hit or miss. Some nights I sleep soundly and some I wake up at 3am and 5am for absolutely no reason. 
Best moment this week: Seeing our perfect little man on the screen, and finding out it's a boy!! :)
Annoyances: Being in Las Vegas while pregnant. It's pretty shitty. 
Maternity clothes? I've caved and started wearing some maternity tops. I try and make as many pre pregnancy clothes work as I can, but sometimes it just feels good to wear a stretchy shirt that fits well. I'm wearing a maternity top in this photo.
Stretchmarks? Just a few, but I'm hoping they go away (hah!)!
Symptoms: I've felt great this week, except I'm constantly starving. I guess little man is growing a lot. I'm also super stuffed up all the time, but the Doc said I'm allowed to take Claritin if it's really bad.
Movement: Lots now! Mostly when I'm sitting/relaxing, but even when I'm walking I'll feel a good jab. He's an active little man!
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On, but all of this traveling has made my fingers a little swollen.
Gender Predictions:  IT'S A BOY!!!!
Looking forward to:  Thanksgiving. My family is coming up to celebrate at our house this year, and I'm more than excited :)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 16

Have you started to show yet? I think so! Yesterday was the first day for someone to stop me at the store and ask how far along I am. I would NEVER ask a woman the same question, but it was sort of nice to have it be noticed. 
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 4lbs total.
Food cravings: Pasta! Anything creamy and savory. I still love me some sweets, but cheese and other creamy foods are winning out this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! 
Miss Anything? Sushi. I had the biggest craving for a spicy tuna roll last week and it made me so sad.
Mood: Eh, sort of all over the place. No weepy moments this week, but mostly out of left field anger. Sorry Erin :)
Sleep: I've been sleeping great, thanks to the pregnancy pillow. I have been waking up around 4am the last few nights but no problems getting back to sleep.
Best moment this week: Pumpkin carving and getting the house decorated for Halloween. 
Annoyances: The amount of dishes that we create during the fall/winter time. I try and cook more when it's colder, but that just means more dishes for me. 
Maternity clothes? Still just leggings and jeans. Any shirt that is button-up is getting a little tight, but anything cotton is stretching fine. 
Movement: Flutters still. Baby has been less active this week. It did get really active during the Ducks game this weekend though - we have a future fan in the making :)
Gender Predictions:  Oh gosh, I have no idea anymore. I've had two VERY vivid dreams that it is a boy now, so I'm so confused.  
Looking forward to:  Halloween tomorrow! I am going to be a simple cat, and Erin will wear all of his tactical gear. Chipotle does a $3 'Boorito' on Halloween if you go in dressed up, so that is definitely in the schedule :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week 14

Week 14 - Baby and I have made it to the second trimester! I missed week 13 because I felt like I looked the same as week 12. There hasn't been a lot of noticeable change since week 12, but I thought I'd keep everyone posted on what's new.

Have you started to show yet? Just enough to start the debate of 'is she getting fat, or is she pregnant?'. I just want to 'pop' out already!
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 3lbs total.
Food cravings: Still anything sweet. I'm trying to replace sweets with fruits...sometimes the sweets win out :(
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing as of this week! I even had steak last week! I also discovered that I'm not lactose-intolerant during pregnancy! It's a miracle!
Miss Anything? Wine. Always wine :)
Mood: Pretty calm this week. Work has been slowing down a little, so it's helped keep my stress level down. 
Sleep: I've been sleeping through the night the last few days - it's glorious. I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
Best moment this week: Last week we got to hear the heartbeat! The heartbeat was nice and fast, and doctor was impressed. I've been feeling lots of small flutters where baby is, and I'm hoping it's not something else :). 
Annoyances: Hmm...nothing that I can think of at the moment! The weather here has been beautiful (rare for October!) so I'm trying to enjoy it before it starts getting really stormy.
Maternity clothes? Wearing maternity jeans in this picture! I've broken down and decided I'd rather be comfortable than fight it anymore. No maternity shirts yet.
Movement: Flutters! I have a couple a day, and it catches me by surprise. I can't wait for definitive kicks. 
Gender Predictions:  Still girl! We will be finding out November 12! 
Looking forward to:  Friends are coming over tomorrow and hopefully we'll go check out some pumpkin patches. Love the fall! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

12 Weeks

This week is filled with decorating for the fall. It definitely feels like it here! This morning was 40 degrees outside, and we've had about 4 days straight of rain. We've broken in the fireplace for the season already :)
I missed last week's photo because I was visiting in Napa. But there wasn't much change from week 10, so nothing was missed. 
Here goes week 12!

Have you started to show yet? Day by day there's a little change! This photo definitely shows how much it's grown since week 10. 
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 1lb. 
Food cravings: Taco Bell! I'm so bad! But otherwise, I can never have enough good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still steak :(. Nothing else really, except if I think about chicken I feel queasy, but when I'm eating it I'm fine. 
Miss Anything? My skinny jeans!
Mood: On and off fatigue. Yesterday I felt great, but today I'm dragging at 3pm. Monday I was bragging that I think the fatigue was gone, and BOOM! I zonked out at 8:30pm. Oh's hoping I have a little more energy next week.
Sleep: Better! I got my pregnancy pillow and it's working wonders. I've started using a foam roller to see if that will help with my sciatica, so I can sleep sounder. 
Best moment this week: Decorating the house for Halloween :). The mantle is very festive!
Annoyances: Our cold little house. It'll be a long winter being pregnant and having to wear 5 layers inside. We're going to look into some ways to help the house to be more efficient. 
Maternity clothes? Still just my normal jeans and a bella band. I'm thinking of buying a pair of maternity skinny jeans, since that seems to be what I wear most of the time anyway (and my pre-pregnancy skinny jeans are not so comfortable with a bella band). I LOVE my maternity leggings that I got from Gap when they were having a huge sale. Those will be heaven this winter.
Movement: I THINK I felt some flutters over the course of the last few days. It's hard to tell though.
Gender Predictions: Same as week 10 - I've been having a lot of dreams that it's a girl.
Looking forward to: My next appointment on October 8. Still too early to tell the sex of the baby, but excited to hear the heartbeat :)