Thursday, April 16, 2015

O N E!


Mommy and daddy are so so so very lucky to have you. We kept you alive for your first year, and we think we did a pretty good job. We are so excited to see how you grow, and what kind of person you turn into. So far we are overjoyed with you and love every (tired) moment we spend with you! 

Happy Birthday to our sweet, beautiful boy!

Mom and Dad 

I am feeling so very happy and sad at once today. I have so many memories that rush back (this exact moment last year I was doing this), and trying to stay present in my baby's first birthday. 

Height/Weight: He was weighed at our mommies group and came in at 25lbs 3oz! My big boy. I'm not sure of his height (doctor appointment isn't until next month) but he's so tall!

Other growth/actions: We have SIX teeth now. All within 4 weeks, he decided to grow his bottom two and top 4 teeth. We've gotten a break, which has been so nice. 

Routine: Our routine got a little out of whack with daylight savings time and traveling to Napa. When we got back from our trip, we did a sleep training 'lite' and he went back to being a pretty great sleeper. 
He wakes around 6:45-7am, goes down for a nap around 9am and sleeps for about 1.5 hours. Then second nap is around 1:30-2pm and then sleeps for 45mins-1hour. Then bedtime routine starts at 6:45pm and he's asleep by 7:15pm. It makes such a difference to have a routine set. When we skip a nap or go a little too late, it can make for a rough day or night!
He wakes anywhere from 2-4 times a night, but sometimes gives us the rare one wake up. We have yet to have a full night of sleep, but I am hoping it is coming soon!

Eating/Feeding: Sean still hates breakfast, but loves lunch and dinner. Snacks are always welcome, too!
He is nursing when he wakes up, before his first nap, before his second nap, around 4pm and then before bed. Depending on how much he wakes up at night, I don't nurse him more often than every 3 hours.

This month, Sean has decided to start walking, saying more consonants, sleeping better and becoming a toddler. He loves to throw tantrums if he doesn't get his way (fun!), throw food, hates having his diaper changed, and gives kisses. He is such a funny little person.

He has also became pretty independent. Sometimes he'll go back into his room and I'll follow him in a minute. He's back there looking through all of his books and pensively looking at each of them. I am in awe of his wonderful nature. 

To cap off this emotional post, here is a monthly collage of Sean Patrick!

Here's to another year!!!

Xo, Kelsey