Wednesday, December 4, 2013

21 weeks!

Since I've been taking photos every other week, I thought I would still do the questions part on the off week. Just so I can keep track of my changes as well! 

Have you started to show yet? Yes! I get bigger by the day.
Total weight gain/loss: 10lbs! And I definitely feel it...I feel so much heavier in general.
Food cravings: Chocolate covered raisins and cantelope :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! 
Miss Anything? Not this week - really enjoying the pregnancy so not missing much.
Mood: Great, but sometimes I get a little weepy. Yesterday we saw Hunger Games and the preview of Noah (like Noah's Ark) made me cry. Hormones :)
Sleep: Great! It's been so cold the last few weeks, so I've been snuggling up and sleeping really soundly.
Best moment this week: Having my family come to visit! They left on Sunday, but I'm happy I get to see them in a few weeks for Christmas.
Annoyances: Nothing really!  I pretend to hate that it's so cold out, but I really love it. It means getting in warm clothes and snuggling next to the fire. 
Maternity clothes? Yes! I had to go buy some new stuff today because almost none of my pre-pregnancy shirts aren't fitting over my belly. I am still able to make longer sweaters work in the meantime.
Stretchmarks? boobies are growing at an alarming rate. 
Symptoms: Not really anything out of the ordinary this week. I have been growing a lot more and little man's kicks are stronger, but sometimes I even forget that I'm pregnant!
Movement: Very active little guy! I can tell he's been moving around a lot more because sometimes he kicks my right side, and an hour later he's kicking my bladder. Once in awhile I get a good kidney kick, and that's pretty surprising!
Belly button in or out? In, but it's getting shallower!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Gender Predictions:  IT'S A BOY!!!!
Looking forward to:  My next doctor's appointment on the 10th. I don't think it'll be anything exciting, but it's so nice to go visit the doc and hear that everything is going well. 

So this week we decorated the house for Christmas, mostly on Friday while my family was still here. Here's a shot of our mantle, which I have since added some lights along the bottom to add more Christmas spirit :). Note that I made that wreath in the middle of the mirror. My mom taught me how to forage the greens and put it together. Pretty proud of myself!
I'll add photos of our house from the outside in another post tomorrow :)



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