Wednesday, March 26, 2014

37 weeks - FULL TERM!

Have you started to show yet? Large and in charge!
Food cravings: Pineapples!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, feeling great! It seems like anything I eat is giving Sean hiccups though, poor guy.
Miss Anything? Mimosas with brunch. Now that it's getting nicer out, I'd just love to have a mimosa out in the sunshine. Soon!
Mood: Good, just impatient. Getting cranky because I've been sleeping really horribly.
Sleep: Not so great. I'm waking up about 4 times a night to pee, and another 2 or so times to re-adjust. 
Best moment this week: Brooke coming to visit! She's here for a few days so it's nice to spend some time with her before little man arrives.
Annoyances: Braxton hicks/practice contractions messing with my head. I've been getting them randomly and they're a pain in the butt. I just try to sit down and let them cool off before doing too much more activity.
Maternity clothes? Yep! I had to cave and get some t-shirts because it was so nice, and my skin needed the vitamin D :)
Symptoms: All of them! Mostly just SPD and extreme exhaustion. I am wishing I'd just taken the full 4 weeks before my due date, but I will muscle through!
Movement: Most of the day. He's getting really good at kicking against my kidneys and pushing his butt out. It's lovelyyy.
Belly button in or out? More out than in now!
Wedding rings on or off? Off now. I did get a small band to wear on my ring finger in a size up, because my poor finger felt so naked.
Looking forward to:  This baby coming out!! I am so done, and I can't wait to meet him!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

35 weeks!

Have you started to show yet? No doubt about it!
Food cravings: Girl Scout Samoas. Best. Cookies. Ever.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, just incessant heartburn.
Miss Anything? Sushi!
Mood: Feeling impatient and uncomfortable. I really do hope these next few weeks go by quickly!
Sleep: I've been sleeping much better. It might be temporary, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts :)
Best moment this week: Second birthing class tonight. I'm so glad we've gotten it out of the way, and we have a much better outlook going into labor.
Annoyances: My big belly getting in the way of everything. I sometimes forget I am so big and run into things more than I'd like to admit.
Maternity clothes? Heck yes. I've been able to break out the maxi skirts, though, with the beautiful weather we're having.
Symptoms: Heartburn, SPD, daytime sleepiness and a new symptom, my knuckles hurt so bad. I wake up in the middle of the night and wouldn't be able to make a fist if I tried, because my hands are so achy. 
Movement: As he gets bigger, he's supposed to slow down. I'm definitely not experiencing this. He's very active and likes to roll around the most at night. 
Belly button in or out? Each week, it pops out more and more. 
Wedding rings on or off? Off still. I think I am going to get a plain band in a bigger size, because my finger feels so naked. 
Looking forward to:  We have our 'well baby' class tomorrow and breastfeeding class on Monday. Erin's birthday is tomorrow, and we'll celebrate it by learning how to swaddle a baby :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

34 weeks!

It's a no-picture post this week, but things are happening so I wanted to keep up with a weekly post.
Have you started to show yet? Oh yea :)
Food cravings: Chocolate covered raisins and ANYTHING carbs related. It's bad.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, but I have to make sure I don't eat too much or the heartburn monster will find me!
Miss Anything? Not really this week.
Mood: Tired. Work has really been stressing me out. Now I know why most women take a few weeks off before they have the baby!
Sleep: Sleep has been better, but I'm still up a few times a night to pee. Not to mention once I get back into bed, Sean thinks it's party time, so I'm up for a half hour or so after getting up.
Best moment this week: We had our first birthing class on Wednesday. It's pretty fun to sit around with a bunch of other first time parents and realize we're all clueless.
Annoyances: Getting in and out of bed is tough, because of how we have the crib set up. I'm glad I'll have time to get used to it, though.
Maternity clothes? Yep! Today was really beautiful (65 degrees and sunny) so I was finally able to wear some of the spring maternity things I bought awhile back. It's the little things!
Symptoms: Same as last week - heartburn, SPD, sciatic pain, swelling when I stand too long. Also, he's getting bigger, so my belly is getting heavy.
Movement: Constant ;). He sleeps for about 20 minutes, and then he's right back to his movin' and shakin'.
Belly button in or out? Starting to pop out! Eek!
Wedding rings on or off? No rings anymore. They fit in the morning, but by 12pm they hurt. So I'll just keep them off until after the baby comes.
Looking forward to:  We have more classes next week (birthing class and well-baby class). Also, going to see friends and have a 'grown up' dinner with them. It'll be nice to do something before he comes. After that it'll probably be a lot less often!