Wednesday, July 16, 2014

3 months - the end of the 4th Trimester!

 Look mom, I'm 3 months old ALREADY!
Seriously, I know every time I'm going to say this, but where has the time gone?!
He is the light of my life and is becoming such a funny little guy. I live for the morning smiles and coos. 

On another note, I wanted to toot my own horn. I am now 5lbs below my pre pregnancy weight! I still have a little tummy but I suppose that's to be expected since I had an 8.5lb baby inside of me not too long ago. But I've never felt healthier and happy with my body. It's amazing how your body image is put into perspective once you've carried a baby. The little things no longer bother me. I just care how I feel.

Anywho, enough about me! This is supposed to be about Sean :) 

Height/Weight: I haven't had him weighed in a few weeks, but I would guess he's close to 15.5lbs.

Other growth/actions: He is starting to grow back all of the hair that he lost when he was born. It's actually a little dark, so he looks like he's actually my kid :) 

Routine: Our routine hasn't changed much since the 2 month mark. He is getting better at napping, so that has given me more time during the day to get work done. 

Eating/Feeding: He eats around every 2 hours during the day. He does sleep from around 8:30pm-1:30am, which is our longest stretch. *update: he did 8:30-3:30am last night! Crazy!
 It's nice to finally be getting some sleep! Then after that he eats around 5am, which is when I get up for the day. 

Sizes: He officially has grown out of the 0-3mo clothes. I will be putting them away this weekend :(. But it's good, because all of the 3-6mo clothes are really cute! 

Milestones: We are starting to get giggles here and there. It is seriously the most amazing noise on earth. He is grabbing toys and putting them in his mouth. Speaking of his mouth, he is obsessed with chewing on his hands! I am pretty sure we are starting teething, because he chews on anything and everything, and the drool is out of control. We are going to try out one of those amber necklaces to see if it helps at least with the drool. 

Also, we have always struggled with tummy time. As of this week, we don't hate it anymore! In fact, he's getting quite good. We still use a towel or blanket to go under his chest, but he has gotten the concept to put his arms under him and push himself up. This is probably something a 2 month old should have figured out, but he has a big ol' noggin and has always had great neck control. And he's smiling/cooing while doing it. It is a miracle! 
Always moving :)

I think rolling might be next. He keeps moving his legs side to side and allllmost rolling over. I know things will get very interesting once that starts happening!

He's such an amazing little guy. Erin and I are so blessed to have him!!

Xo, Kelsey