Wednesday, March 12, 2014

35 weeks!

Have you started to show yet? No doubt about it!
Food cravings: Girl Scout Samoas. Best. Cookies. Ever.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, just incessant heartburn.
Miss Anything? Sushi!
Mood: Feeling impatient and uncomfortable. I really do hope these next few weeks go by quickly!
Sleep: I've been sleeping much better. It might be temporary, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts :)
Best moment this week: Second birthing class tonight. I'm so glad we've gotten it out of the way, and we have a much better outlook going into labor.
Annoyances: My big belly getting in the way of everything. I sometimes forget I am so big and run into things more than I'd like to admit.
Maternity clothes? Heck yes. I've been able to break out the maxi skirts, though, with the beautiful weather we're having.
Symptoms: Heartburn, SPD, daytime sleepiness and a new symptom, my knuckles hurt so bad. I wake up in the middle of the night and wouldn't be able to make a fist if I tried, because my hands are so achy. 
Movement: As he gets bigger, he's supposed to slow down. I'm definitely not experiencing this. He's very active and likes to roll around the most at night. 
Belly button in or out? Each week, it pops out more and more. 
Wedding rings on or off? Off still. I think I am going to get a plain band in a bigger size, because my finger feels so naked. 
Looking forward to:  We have our 'well baby' class tomorrow and breastfeeding class on Monday. Erin's birthday is tomorrow, and we'll celebrate it by learning how to swaddle a baby :)

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