Wednesday, January 8, 2014

26 weeks - only 96 days left!

Have you started to show yet? Yep! In fact, people stare at me now. What's with that?
Food cravings: Pineapple!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, but the heartburn is still around. Usually if I don't eat. So strange.
Miss Anything? A full caffeine espresso. Like, a big ol' Venti triple shot.
Mood: Pretty good! Mostly just trying to stay positive about getting bigger.
Sleep: I have a strange pattern starting. I wake up around 2am to the baby kicking me, and then again at 4 to pee. Then I'm up at 7:30 to let the cat out and get my day started. 
Best moment this week: Feeling Sean's head when he was moving around the other day. So far everything has just been jabs/pokes, but to feel an actual body part was so unreal. ALSO, my countdown is at double digits crazy!
Annoyances: When I walk any long distance, my right lower side hurts. I think it's from the stretching from the baby getting bigger, but boy is it annoying!
Maternity clothes? Yes, but I think it's time for some new ones. It feels like I wear the same 4 outfits on rotation.
Symptoms: Tired, heartburn, starting to waddle when walking, some swelling in my feet.
Movement: All day every day. He's a busy little man. He tends to be the most active in the evening after dinner. 
Belly button in or out? In, but it's getting shallower! It's only like a 1/2 inch deep at this point.
Wedding rings on or off? I'm down to my wedding engagement ring is too wide to fit on comfortably. Good thing I like my band by itself :)
Looking forward to:  Sunday - I'll officially be in the Third trimester!! Woop!

A lot of you saw that I'm starting to get frozen meals put together. We finally went out and bought a chest freezer, which has been on our must have/wish list for a long time now. We found a great deal on one and couldn't pass it up. So, I put together 10 ready to make Crockpot meals, and we'll see how it goes. We also had a ton of extra meat so it's nice to have somewhere to store it all.
This will all come in handy once I'm getting ready for the baby to arrive. I'm thinking lots of pre-made pastas, casseroles, etc. If any of you have recipe ideas, please send them my way :).


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