Friday, February 14, 2014

31 weeks!

Welp, I got a little busy and wasn't able to do a post last week. This week got away from me as well with all of the festivities and travel, so I will have to improvise! Here's a shot of my beautiful cousin and I, from lunch on Tuesday.
I thought it would be fun to post a picture from when this all started, to give some perspective (and make me feel quite large!). 5 weeks to 31 weeks:
What a difference a few months makes!

Have you started to show yet? Oh god, yes.
Food cravings: I had a crazy craving for Firewood Cafe's tortellini and house sauce. I was able to satiate that while I was down in Napa...SO amazing!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing at the moment!
Miss Anything? Yellowfin tuna salad!
Mood: Good, but I have been feeling a little more ornery than normal.
Sleep: Eh, it's okay. I am waking up about 3 times a night to pee, and I have a hard time falling asleep once I've gotten up. I've definitely added a half-caff coffee every morning because I'm usually really tired.
Best moment this week: So many to talk about! First things first, my baby shower on Sunday was amazing. My mom did such an amazing job and I really was so blown away. Second would be getting to spend time with my family. I really do miss them more than I realize, and try to soak up all the time I can with them. Third, Valentine's Day today! Erin and I went and picked out chocolates together (I'm too particular these days and Erin knew it would be safe to get the ones I actually want!), and we'll go out to dinner at one of our favorite spots. 
Annoyances: This new ache that makes it feel like I've been riding a horse. It literally feels like I did 10,000 plie squats. Doctor says it's normal :(.
Maternity clothes? Ohhh yeah. regular clothes just aren't happening.
Symptoms: Tired, the ache mentioned in 'annoyances', back pain, heartburn, swelling in my feet and hands.
Movement: All day everyday! He's still bottom-down, so I'm getting some really strong kicks on my side.
Belly button in or out? Nearly flat!
Wedding rings on or off? Still just my wedding band. 
Looking forward to:  Getting some nursery projects done this weekend! Thanks to my shower and all of my generous friends and family, we're able to start getting things organized and put away :)


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