Sunday, July 30, 2017

35 weeks - and an announcement!

Have you started to show yet? Oh yeah! I have entered the time in my pregnancy where EVERY stranger needs to have a question or comment about how pregnant I am 😒
Total weight gain/loss: I have an appointment on Wednesday, but I would guess I'm close to 30lbs gained now. 
Food cravings: Watermelon! It could be the heat or the fact that they're on every store front,  but I go through a whole watermelon over the course of a couple of days (with the help of Sean of course 😀
Anything making you queasy or sick: Luckily, no!
Miss Anything? Always wine 😅 I was just telling Erin that I miss being able to end my day with a cool glass of bubbles on the patio. 
Mood: Pretty good! I have been noticing I feel more laid back this time around. Obviously life still gets stressful and I can fly off the handle, but I think I've been pretty even-keeled. 
Sleep: not great. I wake up 4-5 times a night to adjust or get comfortable. It doesn't help that it's so hot in our room so getting comfortable is a challenge. 
Best moment this week: Setting up the baby swing and bassinet. It's starting to feel more 'real' and we realized how quickly time is passing this time around. 
Annoyances: Braxton Hicks contractions 😟 If you don't know what they are, they're basically 'practice' contractions, getting your body ready for labor. But in reality, they are super uncomfortable, tightening your whole tummy, and feel like you've just done 100 crunches. If I try to do too much in a day, my body tells me to slow down with a bunch of these contractions. Usually sitting and having some cold water has been helping. When they get really uncomfortable, I've resorted to a hot shower or bath. 
Maternity clothes? Yes! I've felt pretty limited to what I can wear with the heat, but I guess I don't have much longer to worry about it!
Looking forward to:  I have a dentist appointment this week (yes, I actually love going to the dentist!), an OB check, and a nice relaxing week otherwise!

Without further ado, the good news! I am officially a distributor for Young Living Essential Oils! 

I have been using essential oils for years, and they have been especially helpful since having Sean. We use them when we are sick, to ease stress, and to help Sean sleep. I've learned other ways that they can be beneficial, even to keep my skin clear while pregnant. Let me know if you have any questions about the business or about essential oils! They really are life changing 💗.  I'll update the blog with ways that I have been using EOs, and how they have improved our daily lives. Check out the products at! If you want to order anything, my member number is 12483649.


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