Friday, May 16, 2014

1 Month and Pregnancy Timeline!

Today marks Sean turning 1 month old! I really can't believe how fast time has flown by. Everyone warns you of how fast it goes, but it's hard to believe until it's actually happening to you. I am overwhelmed by my love for this sweet boy, and can't believe how much he grows and develops each day. He has grown out of all of his teeny newborn clothes and wears 0-3months now. 

We got our first 'social smile' on Mother's Day and have gotten a few more since! He's such a clever and funny little guy. I can't believe how rewarding it is to be a mother!

I'll start doing these monthly photos of Sean, because I think they're so sweet! And it'll be a twist on the belly shots from my pregnancy.

My big boy, at 10lbs 2oz (up from his birth weight of 8lbs 8.5oz!):


 And being a little cheeky :)
He is developing so fast, I can't blink or I'll miss something!

Speaking of the belly shots, I always love seeing a collage of the progression of pregnancy once baby has arrived, so I decided to put one together. It's SO crazy to see how quickly my body changed over 9 months! The first photo is at 5 weeks, the day I found out I was pregnant. Sooo tiny!
The last photo is me at the hospital, when I was about to be induced. I was so bloated, swollen and done that I just don't even look like myself. When I see that picture though, all I can think about is how excited I was to meet my baby!

1 comment :

  1. Man 22 to 24 weeks was such a change! I love this! It's crazy to look back...and just wait those month pictures of the boys are so crazy! They grow so fast!
