Today marks the last day of my maternity leave. It's so bittersweet to think that I have to go back to work on Monday, but I am so fortunate to be able to work from home and enjoy my sweet boy. It will take some time to adjust to my new life, but I can't wait to get back into a normal routine.
I will normally only do a monthly photo and post of Sean, but I realized I didn't have anything that showed scale on Sean's 1 month photo, so I decided to do something to show his size at 6 weeks. This'll be the norm for the monthly photos from now on. This elephant was a gift from my mom, and I used it as the prop for his birth announcement photo at 2 weeks. He's super cute and makes Sean feel safe :).
Height/Weight: I haven't weighed him in a week or so, but I would guess he's closer to 11lbs now. Also, I'd say he's around 23 inches. He has his 2 month appointment on the 11th, so I'll have a correct ht/wt then.
Routine: It's a little random the last few days, but this is how our days normally go:
6:30am first feeding. I bring Sean to the living room and nurse in the glider. He usually falls asleep after, so I pop him into his bouncy chair while I shower, etc
After this, I feed him about every two hours. I try to get out for a walk around the neighborhood or go to Target and walk while wearing him.
His 'witching hour' has been around 6pm-8pm, and I get him to sleep around 8:30pm.
I try to get to bed around 9pm, but it's normally closer to 10pm.
He's been sleeping until around 1am, and then will wake again every 2 hours after that. So at least I'm getting 1 really good stretch of sleep from him for now.
Eating/Feeding: Breastfeeding is going well! Less cluster feeding this week than last week, and he is a fast eater, around 15 minutes each time.
Sizes: He has now grown out of his newborn stuff and is fitting into 0-3 months. Some of the 0-3 month things already don't fit him! :(
He's been in the one size cloth diapers since around 2.5 weeks, but he's fitting in them much nicer now.
Milestones: lots of smiling and cooing! He is overall a very happy and easy baby, so I'm really fortunate to be reminded of how sweet he can be whenever I get the gummy smiles and reaction from him. He's such a joy!