Friday, May 30, 2014

6 weeks, back to work!

Today marks the last day of my maternity leave. It's so bittersweet to think that I have to go back to work on Monday, but I am so fortunate to be able to work from home and enjoy my sweet boy. It will take some time to adjust to my new life, but I can't wait to get back into a normal routine. 

I will normally only do a monthly photo and post of Sean, but I realized I didn't have anything that showed scale on Sean's 1 month photo, so I decided to do something to show his size at 6 weeks. This'll be the norm for the monthly photos from now on. This elephant was a gift from my mom, and I used it as the prop for his birth announcement photo at 2 weeks. He's super cute and makes Sean feel safe :).

Height/Weight: I haven't weighed him in a week or so, but I would guess he's closer to 11lbs now. Also, I'd say he's around 23 inches. He has his 2 month appointment on the 11th, so I'll have a correct ht/wt then. 

Routine: It's a little random the last few days, but this is how our days normally go:
6:30am first feeding. I bring Sean to the living room and nurse in the glider. He usually falls asleep after, so I pop him into his bouncy chair while I shower, etc
After this, I feed him about every two hours. I try to get out for a walk around the neighborhood or go to Target and walk while wearing him. 
His 'witching hour' has been around 6pm-8pm, and I get him to sleep around 8:30pm. 
I try to get to bed around 9pm, but it's normally closer to 10pm. 
He's been sleeping until around 1am, and then will wake again every 2 hours after that. So at least I'm getting 1 really good stretch of sleep from him for now. 

Eating/Feeding: Breastfeeding is going well! Less cluster feeding this week than last week, and he is a fast eater, around 15 minutes each time. 

Sizes: He has now grown out of his newborn stuff and is fitting into 0-3 months. Some of the 0-3 month things already don't fit him! :( 
He's been in the one size cloth diapers since around 2.5 weeks, but he's fitting in them much nicer now. 

Milestones: lots of smiling and cooing! He is overall a very happy and easy baby, so I'm really fortunate to be reminded of how sweet he can be whenever I get the gummy smiles and reaction from him. He's such a joy!


Friday, May 16, 2014

1 Month and Pregnancy Timeline!

Today marks Sean turning 1 month old! I really can't believe how fast time has flown by. Everyone warns you of how fast it goes, but it's hard to believe until it's actually happening to you. I am overwhelmed by my love for this sweet boy, and can't believe how much he grows and develops each day. He has grown out of all of his teeny newborn clothes and wears 0-3months now. 

We got our first 'social smile' on Mother's Day and have gotten a few more since! He's such a clever and funny little guy. I can't believe how rewarding it is to be a mother!

I'll start doing these monthly photos of Sean, because I think they're so sweet! And it'll be a twist on the belly shots from my pregnancy.

My big boy, at 10lbs 2oz (up from his birth weight of 8lbs 8.5oz!):


 And being a little cheeky :)
He is developing so fast, I can't blink or I'll miss something!

Speaking of the belly shots, I always love seeing a collage of the progression of pregnancy once baby has arrived, so I decided to put one together. It's SO crazy to see how quickly my body changed over 9 months! The first photo is at 5 weeks, the day I found out I was pregnant. Sooo tiny!
The last photo is me at the hospital, when I was about to be induced. I was so bloated, swollen and done that I just don't even look like myself. When I see that picture though, all I can think about is how excited I was to meet my baby!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

2 weeks postpartum and my birth story!

Hello all! Please excuse my absence, I've been a little preoccupied with this little man ;)
I mean, can you blame me?! 

The last 2.5 weeks have been a blur of nursing, diaper changes and trying to sleep whenever I can. My mom was here to help for the first week that he was home with us, and the rest of my family came to meet him last weekend. He is a pretty easy baby overall, with all of the normal needs of a newborn. We're so smitten with his little nose and sweet eyes. 

I've been debating whether or not to post my birth story, as it's not exactly ideal. But, it's the truth, and it's what happened (no matter how gruesome!). And, in the end, it brought me my sweet son. 

I'll preface this story with what I wanted. I wanted a totally natural and low intervention labor. No meds, drugs, or C-section if possible. Also, I wanted to labor at home as much as possible, so I would avoid the intervention. But, that's not what was in the cards for me. 

Here goes...

I went into my 40 week appointment expecting to get my membranes stripped, and my initial blood pressure was really high. After getting them stripped, the BP was even higher. Doctor decided it was time to induce. I was so freaked out that I would have to be induced – the complete opposite of my all natural and low intervention birth plan. My mom was already staying with us so she came with me to the hospital while Erin was at work. He would get there around 3pm.

They started me really low on Pitocin at 1pm and then broke my water at 6pm when my doctor came to the hospital to check on me, since nothing really was happening. Started upping the Pitocin and it became obvious really fast that baby was posterior, from my horrible back contractions. I labored in all positions and had no relief.

By 8pm I was a 4, and at nearly max pitocin, so at least that was promising. I decided to get into the tub to see if it would help with the contractions and help me relax and dilate some more. After 20 minutes I realized the tub wasn’t helping (like I was really hoping it would) because baby’s head was against my tailbone and making it worse to be sitting in the hard tub. Got out, and I was still only a 4. I was devastated.

So back to bouncing on the ball and trying to get through the excruciating back labor. I should mention that Erin was so amazing and helpful through everything – always there to rub my back and help me relax.
Finally around 2am I was a 6. I felt defeated but the nurses were optimistic. They asked if I wanted any pain meds and I figured it was probably a good idea if I did, so I could relax and dilate some more. Before they could even call my doctor to do the order, I started going into transition. A baby turning specialist came in to get him to face anterior. Not sure why this was just now happening, but I guess they do it so he’s not likely to turn back around. That whole ordeal was awful and baby did not want to turn around. So I just moaned my way through the worst pain in my life like a wild animal. The rest is a blur. 

I then went to a 9 in an hour.
The last few contractions of transition I could tell were really forcing baby down. My doctor got in and they realized his cord was around his neck. They put a sensor on his scalp and his heart rate dropped with every contraction. C section was imminent and I was really upset but wanted what was best for baby. When they went to check his position, he was crowning and doctor said it would be safer to push than to wait and get a C section. So I bore down and pushed with all of my might. During the last few pushes, I could hear that his heart rate was stopping. It just motivated me more to get him out as soon as possible. 18 minutes later and my sweet son came out!

I wanted skin to skin but because of his cord being wrapped around him, they had to take him and pink him up/get him breathing well. I was so terrified but everyone said this is normal, just getting him healthy and ready for me. He gave us a few quiet cries, and after some oxygen, he belted out a very lustful cry. A couple of minutes later, I was holding my little man and our lives were complete!

Definitely NOT what I wanted in my birth plan but such is life, right?

The light of my life, Sean Patrick Stanton, 8lbs 8.5oz and 22 inches long!
