Have you started to show yet? Yep. I definitely look pregnant now 😅
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure. I have my OB appointment later today so I will know then. I would guess upward of 20lbs now.
Food cravings: Always carbs. I nearly failed my glucose test last week, so I am supposed to keep away from carbs and refined sugars as much as possible. Anyone who knows me, knows this is not a simple task. I've made a conscious effort to eat as many fruits as possible whenever I'm craving sweets or carbs. I am struggling but it's worth having a healthy pregnancy for another 10.5 weeks. (!!!)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Luckily this isn't an issue for me this time around.
Miss Anything? Being able to do as much as I usually do in a day, without getting really sore or burnt out. If I try to do my normal level of activity in a day, I feel it at 8pm and the next morning. Thank goodness for heating pads!
Mood: Good! We had a really nice Father's day with the Stanton parents, so I'm still feeling good about that. We got a new fence put up in the backyard and had absolutely perfect weather all weekend.
Sleep: It's better. I'm still waking up around 4 to pee, and am still tired when I wake up around 6. I've been making an effort to fall asleep before 11 though, so I'm not SO exhausted.
Best moment this week: Getting a new laptop! My old one was starting to separate in the corners, and certain components stopped working. It was time, for sure.
Annoyances: Still my allergies. But I found that Zyrtec works better than Claritin, so I've been getting some relief.
Maternity clothes? Definitely. I just picked up some new shorts from Target, because of the hot weather we've been having.
Looking forward to: Nothing really at the moment! We have a few weeks with nothing planned, which is kind of nice. We're always so busy, so a little downtime is good 😀