I feel like he's been two for a while, but he has started developing so much in different ways.
To start, here are his favorites:
- Color: Blue
- Toys: His VTech laptop, Melissa and Doug barn, B. Toys play phone, pretty much anything musical, and his Tigey lovie.
- Show: Daniel Tiger and Mother Goose Club
- Movie: Still yet to sit through a movie yet :D
- Animal: Kitties
- Food: Any fruit, pb&j sammies, quesadillas, eggs, Dr. Praegers veggie patties.
- Place: Outside!
- Phrase: 'No Monkeys Jumping on the BED!'
Height/Weight: He is 28lbs 14oz (62%) and 36.25" (84%) tall - my little string bean! His head is 20 inches around (!!!) which is the 94th%.
Other growth/actions: He has all but his 2 year molars now. We are working on them on and off (some days are fine and some are full of drool and tantrums). He wears all 2T clothing and size 7 shoe! He finally has some hair, and had his first haircut a month ago. We just cut off his 'mullet' but I think we're ready for an all-over haircut now.
Routine: He has been waking up early lately, around 5:45am. It's been tough! I blame his big boy bed being a new, weird place. I let him watch cartoons in bed while I get ready, or he usually decides he wants to go play with his toys.
He goes to daycare around 7:45am, and then I head to work. He LOVES daycare! Lots of playing, dancing and fun with friends. He takes a 2 hour nap from 12:30-2:30pm.
I go get him after work at 4:45pm. Dinner is at 5:15pm (ish) and then we play with toys or head outside after! Anything to burn that two year old energy before bed.
Bath is at 7:35pm, and in bed at 8. We started doing a later bedtime because he has been waking so early. Also, with the big boy bed, he's been struggling with falling asleep when I do bedtime. So we wait for daddy to get home around 7:45 to do bedtime. Daddy has the bedtime magic touch.
Eating/Feeding: He eats three meals a day, with snacks all day as well. He is a hungry boy, and relatively great eater! He does get picky sometimes but it's not bad for a toddler.
We stopped nursing around mid October, when I went to work away from home. It was a tough process but it was time :). He still doesn't drink other milk, but gets his calcium in other foods.
His vocabulary has BLOWN UP. He says sentences, sings songs, and is quite the chatterbox! He just sang his first song about 2 months ago and now has memorized upward of 10 songs. It is so fun to sing and act out nursery rhymes together! We are discovering that he has quite the photographic memory as well - he memorizes songs and shows like nobody's business.
He knows his ABCs, numbers up to 20, some colors, and phonetics for the letters. I think we will have an early reader!
Physically he is very active. He can kick the ball, do somersaults, throw a ball pretty well, hop down the hallway, dance and is a great player. Once figuring out he could climb out of his crib, we had to change to the toddler bed.
He is becoming a more independent player as well. It's nice when it's warm out, because he can play outside and I can be inside keeping an eye out for him while doing housework.
He had his first ear infection 2 weeks ago, and it made for a very fussy toddler. Lots of tantrums and misbehavior. Poor baby. After 10 days of antibiotics, he is my happy go lucky little man again. Thank goodness!
Let this be my vow to begin blogging again. Since we don't spend all day together anymore, I won't have as much to update. But so much changes over the course of a month now!