I decided to do a Sean-themed post every 2 months, since he isn't changing his routine/eating/growth as rapidly as before. That way it doesn't seem as redundant. I do want to start checking in more about projects, and life in general, so I might throw those in here and there.
Sean is 14 months!
He officially is toddler-sized and has toddler-sized tantrums as well. It's really been a learning experience when you have such a strong willed little person, who is happy one moment and really frustrated the next.
Photo taking is becoming pretty interesting! The only way he would take a (still) picture is with a book or the iced coffee bottle (his new favorite toy).
Height/Weight: He hasn't been weighed since his doctor appointment about a month and a half ago. He was 26.5lbs and 31.5oz. He has definitely gotten longer and heavier since! I would guess he's grown at least a half inch, and maybe a half pound heavier.
Other growth/actions: He has 8 teeth, and is working on all four molars. They keep getting swollen and I think they're about to break through, but then they disappear :(. So some days he's miserable and sleeps awful, and others he is the happiest little dude.
He still wears all 18mo clothes, but they fit well now, as opposed to being just a little big.
He wears size 5 shoes now, too.
Routine: He wakes up around 6:30am (Boo!), and we play and go on a walk. He eats breakfast and hangs out with dad to watch a little Daniel Tiger (his favorite!). We are now a 1 nap household, which he takes from 10:30-1:30. I used to fight the 1 nap, but it's been SO nice to have a solid 3 hours to get work/housework/me time in.
Then after nap, he has lunch and we run an errand or go to the park for a little bit. Then we come home and he usually likes to have some independent play, like reading books or just making a general mess with his toys. It's really cool seeing him become his own person, and learn how to entertain himself. He does stop to come give me a hug or just get into whatever I'm doing, which is nice to still feel needed :).
We do bedtime routine from 6:45-7:15 and then he's asleep by 7:30pm. It's funny how even now, he goes to bed at the same time he did when he was 4 months old.
He has been waking a lot lately at night, and I attribute it to teeth. When he's having a good day, he'll only wake once, but on bad nights it can be every 2 hours. We're so tired, but I know it's not for forever.
Eating/Feeding: Sean still doesn't love breakfast, but I've found ways to get him to eat when he's not interested. He will refuse everything on his tray, but will eat it when he's down and walking around. So I've been making muffins and granola bars, with fruits and hidden veggies, so he can stop and eat, then go play some more. Lunch is usually a mix of things (half a sandwich or quesadilla, fruit and some veggies). Dinner is usually a veggie patty (still not a fan of meat, other than bacon!), pasta (which he LOVES), cheese and lots of fruit. Overall, his favorite food is blueberries and strawberries. But all fruit gets eaten one way or another, haha.
He still nurses when he wakes up, before his nap, after lunch, and before bed. I do nurse him at night too, which I'm trying to wean him of, but that's been really difficult with the multiple wake ups. At least it's keeping my supply up, which is probably the only bright side to the middle of the night feedings.
He is different every day! But some major changes lately are:
Lots of talking. He says so many words now! He says momma, daddy, kitty, NO, shoes, ball, milk (malllkkk), meow, moo, oo oo ahh ahh (monkey), more (mo!), and maybe some others I'm forgetting. When he's not saying actual words, he has conversations in his own little language.
Becoming more independent. He will go into his room and play on his own. It's really sweet, and he seems to enjoy the time alone.
While becoming more independent, he's also started becoming more affectionate. He loves giving hugs and kisses, and will stop and sit on the couch for a few minutes. He wouldn't do that unless he had a snack or show to watch before. But I think he does crave the cuddles and Erin and I love it too :).
Starting to associate more animals to their noises. He will sometimes do it, and then never again. I think he's just learning so much that he doesn't have time to refine it. It's still so exciting when it happens!
I'm sure I'm missing things, but those are the highlights!
Xo, Kelsey