If you were to see Sean right now in person, you would be able to tell that something major has changed in his face. He's becoming a toddler! *cries uncontrollably*
He's such a big boy. Every day he learns something new; it's like a light switch went off in his head, and his world is huge!
Height/Weight: At his 9 month appointment on 2/4, he weighed in at 23lbs and 15oz. He is a whopping 29.5 inches. Such a big guy! These are the same stats as a few weeks ago, so I think he's starting to plateau. It's to be expected, as he's becoming so much more mobile.
Other growth/actions: He is starting to lean out, so his delicious leg rolls are going away :(. But, he is getting so much stronger. He is still in 12 month clothes, but some of his 18 month pants fit better.
I am happy to finally announce that he has TWO teeth now! This is as of two weeks ago, and finished cutting the second tooth a couple of days ago. Let's hope for a break for a few weeks so we can all catch up on some sleep!
Routine: Up at 7:30am and down at 7pm, with two naps during the day. His naps are at 9am and 1pm (ish) and the lengths range from 30-90 minutes. Now that he's having a break between teething, he's sleeping a lot better. The last two nights he's gotten a 6 hour stretch, which has been amazing! Keep it up little dude.
Eating/Feeding: He is nursing every 2.5-3 hours now, which is a welcomed change. I have been offering more snacks between the three meals I offer a day. He still isn't eating a lot at meals, but sometimes he surprises us and eats quite a bit. We started offering more purees, and he loves them. So we had to swallow our pride and accept that he isn't a big table foods baby yet. He LOVES puffs and mum-mums, and homemade yogurt drops.
Milestones: Another big month!
He started pulling up on things and now 'cruises' all around the couches and the kitchen cabinets.
Now, if we do simple commands like 'dance' and 'clap', he does it! It's amazing! He is so funny and his outgoing and fun personality is blooming more and more each day.