Wow, January has crept up on me, and suddenly my baby is 9 months old. What?!
I love seeing these, so I thought I'd share one:
9 months in, 9 months out!
In the hospital, 40 weeks 2 days pregnant Sean and I being hams, January 12
These monthly photos are so much more wiggly than ever! I was lucky to catch these three :)
My big boy!
Height/Weight: He is 23lbs 15oz as of 1/14! I thought he had broken (or was close to) the 24lb mark, because my arms are SO sore! It is easier for me to wear him in the Ergo than to hold him, even for a few minutes. He doesn't have his 9 month appointment until February, so I don't know his exact length, but I measured him at home and he's around 31".
Other growth/actions: We are starting to get more hair! Also, he is becoming more lean and muscular. Crawling and moving around has changed him from a chunky baby into a little boy (nooo!).
Routine: He is usually up for the day at 7:30am, naps at 9:30am and 1:30pm. His naps are getting long again, which is a welcome development.
Sleep got really bad over the holidays, because he got a cold and then was teething, so he began waking every hour again. Once we would bring him to bed he'd sleep great.
SO, we re-sleep trained him this weekend and he is sleeping again! We have been having wake ups at 1:30am and 5:30am. I'm hoping it sticks, because we are all happier after a good night of sleep :).
Eating/Feeding: We are still breast feeding every 2 hours during the day, and he's nursing 3 times at night. Apparently he is supposed to start stretching out his eating? I'm hoping that happens soon.
Due to his cold and teething, he stopped eating solids for a little while. He is starting to pick it back up again, but we're not rushing him. Some nights at dinner he will eat a lot, and some nights he doesn't want anything on his tray other than a teether. I give him snacks during the day and again, sometimes he eats all of it, and sometimes nothing.
Milestones: This month was a big one!
Sean has dropped 'army crawling' and is all hands and knees. He's VERY fast. I've put up a big baby gate that snakes around our living room, so he has his own space to play but doesn't get too far from me. He pulls up to his knees on everything, and tries so hard to stand. He will crawl over to me and put his hands up to stand. With my assistance he does great.
He intentionally says 'dada' and 'kitty'.
He started clapping, and tells me he likes something by doing so.
We are working on waving hello and goodbye, and he is starting to catch on.
A newer development is sharing. He loves to hand us his toys or food, and is so proud that he gave us something.
We are still toothless, but not without teething! We go through waves where I can tell his teeth are really bothering him, but they won't come out. I can feel them and they're juuuuuust under the gum, causing bumps. I'm really hoping they come in soon, just so he might have some relief.
We also experienced our first Christmas, which was wonderful. Emily and Patrick came up to visit for the holiday, and it was so great having them up here. Sean was of course more excited about the wrapping paper and boxes than about the gifts, but that's to be expected ;). He does LOVE his wagon though - it might have been his favorite gift of the day.

Every day his personality blooms even more. He is becoming such a funny, independent, sensitive and sweet boy. I am so blessed to have this little man in my life!!
Xo, Kelsey