I want to start off by congratulating Erin for his promotion with Cabelas! He will be doing online gun sales and working in the gun vault. It's a fantastic job (perfect for him!) and I'm so proud of him for working his butt off to get it! You go, baby.
Sean is 7 months old!
Height/Weight: At his 6 month check up (2 weeks ago), he was 23lbs and 27.5 inches long. Quite the chunk we have on our hands! :)
Other growth/actions: Actually this month he slowed down in comparison to the other months. He's getting much stronger now that he's building muscles, trying to crawl. If I pull him up, he can stand (with me holding his arms) for a few minutes. He isn't quite there yet, which is fine by me.
Routine: We finally have some sort of routine! Wow it feels so great to say that. He's taking a 1-2 hour nap twice a day, around 9:30am and 1pm. We would really love it if he'd take a nap around 4pm too, but he really fights us on it, so we'll see where it goes. Bedtime has been pushed back to 7pm, as Erin's new job has later hours and we want to be able to all have dinner and spend time together when he gets home. So far it's working, with just a little resistance the first few days.
We had to do sleep training for bed time about 2 weeks ago. It was a really hard decision to make, but it has been one of the best parenting decisions we've made so far. He falls asleep on his own and stays asleep. He only wakes up around 5am to be fed and changed, and then wakes back up again at 7:30. It's been a huge improvement to our life and everyone is happier for it!
Nap training has been rockier, but it's a bit easier now that he can self soothe. We just started training him a few days ago, so it's not perfect, but I'm optimistic he'll get it down just like he did bed time :).
Eating/Feeding: Still eating every 2 hours during the day. We did start to introduce solids, and are taking the baby-led weaning route. This just means we're not doing purees or cereals, but giving him 'real' food instead. We hand it to him, and he chews/gnaws on it and figures out how to chew and swallow food on his own. It's been really fun to see him explore new flavors and textures.
So far he loves green beans, avocado, banana, bell peppers, corn, apple and mum-mums. He's not a fan of broccoli, meats and strawberry (yet!).
Sizes: He's in all 12 month clothes now. I reluctantly put away the 6 and 9 month clothes, but with the weather being so cold, I would hate for his pants to not be long enough and his sleeves be too short.
He's really trying to crawl, but gets frustrated and ends up rolling and scooting around instead. He is so strong, so I'm sure it's just any day now.
Sleeping through the night, eating solids, saying 'dadadadada' and 'mamamamama' (as well as lots of other 'words'!), sitting really well, and general exploration of his world.
Still no teeth! Poor guy is just taunted by them. We have our really bad days and really great days. I don't think I've ever wanted a tooth to come through so bad.
We're looking forward to hosting my family here again for Thanksgiving! It'll be so nice to spend the holiday in our new home. We'll probably do some Black Friday shopping again this year, which will be interested with Sean. But he's such a trooper, he'll probably do great.
Until next time!
xo, Kelsey