We are 5 months old today!
Can I just say how much Sean looks like Erin here?! So crazy.
Height/Weight: Last Wednesday we went to mommies group, and Sean weighed in at 19lbs 12.5oz. I seriously didn't even think he'd be so big. I could feel it, but geez, almost 20lbs! The person weighing him said that normally after 4 months, babies gain around 3oz a week. Well, little man gained 9.5oz per week!
I'm not sure about his length, but I would guess it's close to 28 inches.
Other growth/actions: Lots of growing. He keeps on having growth spurts and is so long!
Routine: Sean's naps are short and sweet lately. He takes one about every 3 hours and it's a max of 45 minutes. Giving this momma little time to get stuff done. But it's okay, because I just love hanging out with my little guy!
Eating/Feeding: Still eating every 2 hours during the day. He does go longer stretches at night (up to 5 hours). We're still exclusively breastfeeding. He refuses a bottle, so that's been tough. I'd really like to go out with a friend for a glass of wine but apparently that's not going to happen for a while!
We're waiting to do solids until he's 6 months. We still have problems with gas, and I want to wait until he's figured that out before introducing foods.
Sizes: He's in all 6+ month clothing. I put away all 3-6 month clothes and some 6 month items. I'd say he's 50% in 9 month clothes. He's a big guy! :)
Milestones: Still teething! I wish those little buggers would just break through already! The last few days have been ultra rough, with short and broken naps. He's starting to come out of his 4 month sleep regression, and sleeping longer at night.
He's figured out how to roll from back to front, and he won't stay on his belly any longer! It's almost immediate when we lay him on his back, that he flips right to his belly. At first he'd get really mad about being on his stomach, but he's actually enjoying it now!
With the flipping, comes mobility. Sean put one of his legs under him and scooted across his mat. He's also gone up on his knees many times. I'm SO not ready for a mobile child! But I'm so glad he's healthy and happy.
Xo, Kelsey