Have you started to show yet? Feeling huge!
Food cravings: I really want sushi. Every day. :(
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. Heartburn has replaced queasiness.
Miss Anything? Advil. I've been having sciatic pain and it's a monster.
Mood: I've been a littttttlllleee bitchy lately. ;)
Sleep: I've been sleeping well! The last few days I've slept 6 hours straight without having to pee.
Best moment this week: Getting the crib set up! It's feeling so real now.
Annoyances: Just leg and back pain. I feel like I've been riding a horse for hours. I guess it's called SPD...it's awful.
Maternity clothes? All day, every day! I don't mind them, they're so comfortable!
Symptoms: Heartburn, SPD, sciatic pain, swelling when I stand too long. Can the next 7 weeks just fly by? Kthanksbye.
Movement: All the time! He's getting so big, I wish I could add more room for him.
Belly button in or out? It's officially flat this week!
Wedding rings on or off? Still just my wedding band.
Looking forward to: Getting the rest of the decor up. I am going to put some shelving and art above the changing table, and possibly some art above the crib in the bedroom.
To recap, we put up the crib in our bedroom this weekend! Here's a shot of it all set up: